Power Tool Safety Equipment

Power tools make the projects we engage in much easier to accomplish. These projects can be at work, home, or office. Regardless of the setting or the project, power tool safety is something everyone needs to abide by. While power tools are very helpful, they are also sharp. Serious injury and even death can occur if you don’t use them properly.

While most businesses require employees to use the right safety equipment when operating power tools, there is nothing to regulate this process when you use them at home. Many individuals fail to use the proper safety equipment because they dont want the added expense of purchasing it. Have you seen the prices of power tool safety equipment? It is less expensive than the cost of a medical visit. Others choose not to use safety equipment because they are in a hurry or because they are very comfortable using particular power tools.

The specific safety equipment you will need depends on the power tool you are operating. Each instruction manual will have information on the recommended safety equipment you should have on when you operate that power tool. There are several common safety items you should have readily available.

Safety goggles are essential. There is always the chance of dirt, debris, or fragments of materials getting into your eyes. Sometimes saw blades break and pieces fly into the air. Protecting your eyes is very important. Heavy duty work gloves are good to have if you are working with any sharp objects including sheet metal. A full-face shield will protect even more when you are using certain power tools.

The proper clothing is very important too. It is a good idea to wear long sleeves to prevent burns and cuts, but make sure that the clothing isn’t too loose. If it is, you risk it getting tangled up with the power tool. Tuck in shirts and only wear clothing that fits you properly. Pay attention to your shoes as well. Make sure they have a non-slip sole. For some power tools, it is a good idea to wear steel-toed boots while operating them.

Some power tools are very loud. You will want to wear earplugs or other ear protection. Hearing loss is a serious issue, and you should do all you can to maintain your current hearing level. A respirator is a good idea if you will be working with any power tool that creates dust including sanders and routers. It is a good idea to make sure you have a source of fresh air getting into your work area as well. A respirator ensures you won’t be inhaling harmful chemicals or dust that is generated.

Power tools definitely are fun to use and reduce the time it takes to complete a project. However, it is essential that you take the time to wear the proper safety equipment when you operate them. The investment is well worth saving you from injuries or even death. It doesn’t matter how careful you are, how many times you have used the power tool before, how big of a hurry you are in, or how small of a job it is. Accidents involving power tools happen in a split second, so do your best to prepare for them.