Got the Blues

Got the Blues

Do you ever feel down in the dumps?

Like you’ve got the blues? Do you feel sad without any reason?

Don`t feel alone. Millions of people share these same feelings. Feeling depressed can be brought on by a wide variety of things, anything from a sad song to the loss of a loved one.

Studies show that depression is more common in the winter months. The weather is usually dreary more often than not. Even on clear days, the sun doesn`t shine very long. Lack of sunshine is a major cause of depressed moods.

Christmas is the most depressing time of year for a large number of people. It may be the lack of family or loved ones to spend the holidays with, or it could be the financial strain the season brings with it.

Often people think of the excitement and anticipation they remember from their childhood. The eagerness we experienced in waiting for Santa Claus, and wondering what we would get, made Christmas such an exciting time.

As we grow older, those wonderful feelings may lessen to the point of being almost nonexistent, leaving us with a sense of disappointment; A feeling of being let down.

Whatever brings on these depressed feelings, it’s important to remember they’re just passing feelings. Continuing on with our daily lives is often all the cure we need. You should, however, discuss it with your doctor if these depressed feelings last more than two weeks, or if they interfere with your daily life.